Pomodoro technique is a concurrency of unproductiveness
We all know what the Pomodoro technique is. You work on a task for 25 minutes, take a five-minute break, and then work for another 25 minutes, and so on. (Read more: Pomodoro Technique - Wikipedia).
So, after using deductive reasoning I can verify following conjecture:
You spend 25 minutes to get into the flow state and focus on a task.
You should take a five-minute break. In those five minutes, you will be upset when reading the news, excited about a cool pic on Instagram,
annoyed by a comment in your Twitter and also upbeat after watching a Tiktok video.
You spend another 25 minutes trying to refocus and get distracted by the Pomodoro timer....
Last Words
I don't think this technique is bad or wrong. I found that I am very productive if I set the Pomodoro timer to 45 or even 90 minutes!
Moreover, I don't check my smartphone during the 5-10 minute break. I can stretch out, water my plants, make a cup of tea, look out the window - in other words: do nothing.
At some point I will check my smartphone, but I try to do so after two sessions.
Like diets (or programming), I try not to follow all the "rules". I experiment, take notes, and try to figure out what works best for me.
I have not found an "official" way. You could write your own macros, but that's not something anyone wants to do.
I have found a easy workaround that you may apply.
So, create you rule
Click "Next" until the last page
Select "Run this rule now on messages already in Inbox"
Deselect "Turn on this rule"
Click Finish to run this rule once
If you want to execute this rule again, you must to go to the "Manage Rule & Alerts..."
Double click your rule
Repeat the above steps by clicking "Next" until you reach the last page.
As before, select "Run this rule now on messages already in Inbox"
Click "Finish" to run this rule again
February 05, 2021
Publish an ASP .Net Core web-app to a Linux server
My Goal
My goal is to make the publish process easy and be able to host the app in a cheap 5$-10$ Linux VPS (virtual private server) like Amazon Lightsail or Digital Ocean or whatever.
The workflow
I' am developing the app on a Windows 10 PC
Push the changes to github (it can be any git version control system)
On my VPS I run a small script that pulls all the changes from github and build the app
Other options?
What about github-actions and self-hosted runners?
It's true. With self-hosted runners your app can be published automatically on your VPS.
If your repo is private, go for it, but for public repos there are security concerns. Read here for more info:
With Azure App Services you can deploy your web-apps very easily, but if you are like me and you have a couple small Wordpress, a couple Asp.Net and some static web-apps, the costs may go high with Azure App-Services. But it definitely worth checking. By the time of writing they give up to new accounts 200USD in credit.
Create a service that will run the app in the background
Write a script to semi automate the pull and publish process
1. Clone the repo in my server
I SSH to my Linux server. When you installs apache, it creates the www folder in /var/ directory so I navigate there.
cd /var/www/
You can use any other folder. Many developers use an other folder to clone the application and then copy the compiled version in the /var/www/ directory. I prefer to have it all in one directory.
I need to clone my repo, so I go to my github and copy the link to clone the repo (I use the HTTPS Link. I did not set up any SSH keys on my server and github).
This command will create the test.levanotes.com folder for me and clone the app into this folder.
You can name your folder whatever you want. I prefer to name it with the website's domain name. If you have many of them, it is easier I think to find the one you look for.
2. Build/publish the app
Cool! Now I can build the app to see if everything compiles correctly. So I navigate to test.levanotes.com directory
-c release -c stands for configure. I say here that this is a release build
-o /TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/ -o stands for output (directory). For some reason if you don't specify any directory it will build the application in /TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/ directory and in the /TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/publish directory. I could not find any solution for this (I thing issue) . If you find one please let me know.
Note: If you have your project in the same folder with your solution your output directory should be like bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/ (without the 'TheWebApp/')
-f net5.0 -f stands for framework.
-r linux-x64 -r stands for runtime
This is the output.
I can now run the app to see if everithing works fine!
I navigate to TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/ and run it.
Note: if you run the app without navigating to the directory, for example you run : dotnet TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/TheWebApp.dll, then your working directory will be your current directory and the links to your static assets may not working (images, css or js etc).
cd TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/
sudo dotnet TheWebApp.dll
3. Configure Apache (reverse proxy the traffic)
Now I can configure apache
First I stop the App by pressing Ctrl+C.
I navigate to apache configuration folder
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
I create my configuration file
sudo nano 001-test.levanotes.com.conf
The number (001) is very handy if you have many websites on your server because the order of the configuration files play a role in some circumstances.
I named the file like the domain name
Then I pasted the following code to the configuration file. This is the simplest possible configuration.
We pass the requests that are looking for test.levanotes.com to the http://localhost:5000 (or https://localhost:5001 for https)
<VirtualHost *:80>
# My Domain name
ServerName test.levanotes.com
ServerAdmin mail@levanotes.com
# Reverse Proxy settings
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:5000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:5000/
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/the-web-app-error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/the-web-app-access.log common
# Available loglevels: trace8, ..., trace1, debug, info, notice, warn,
# error, crit, alert, emerg.
# It is also possible to configure the loglevel for particular
# modules, e.g.
#LogLevel info ssl:warn
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
Save and exit nano
I check if the syntax of the configuration file has any errors and enable it
apachectl configtest
sudo a2ensite 001-test.levanotes.com.conf
Reload apache
sudo systemctl reload apache2
4. Create a service that will run the app in the background
To create a service I navigate to:
cd /etc/systemd/system/
I create a file. I name it test.lenanotes.com.service
sudo nano test.lenanotes.com.service
I paste this and save
Description=Levanotes will run forever
ExecStart=/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /var/www/test.levanotes.com/TheWebApp/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/TheWebApp.dll
# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:
# My username
# Set Env Variables
So WorkingDirectory is the root directory of tha app.
ExecStart I define dotnet's location (usualy /usr/share/dotnet/) and the location of my app. So when I start this service dotnet will run TheWebApp.dll.
Then I define SyslogIdentifier, my username and set the environment to production.
To start the Service I Run
sudo systemctl start test.levanotes.com.service
I can check if everything runs without errors with this command
sudo journalctl -u test.levanotes.com.service -e
-e will start the log at the end.
This should be the output
So I can now open a browser and navigate to test.levanotes.com
5. Write a script to semi automate the pull and publish process
Now I need to create a small script that will be pull all the changes from github and build/publish my app.
That is straightforward to do.
First I navigate to the test.levanotes.com directory.